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Recent content by Wavemeter

  1. W

    Hi Everybody, I'm new here :)

    Hi, welcome to the forum! Your expertise will help majorly. Do share! Thanks
  2. W

    Hi to All Members

    Hi, welcome to FF! How has your journey been so far? Hope you achieve what you’re aiming for. Good luck
  3. W

    How to start forex trading with $100 and make money?

    Excellent reading. You've provided some really useful and actionable advice for new traders.
  4. W

    Carry Trading Strategy In Forex, More Profitable For Traders.

    Thanks for sharing, really nice article. I have not used this trading strategy but I think I’ll try this on demo.
  5. W

    How to recognize pro trader.

    A pro trader can be recognized by a long list of qualities, including experience, knowledge, and a professional demeanour.
  6. W

    Best CFD Brokers In The US

    Sure, I get spreads around 0.1 pips with turnkey forex plus commission is $2/rt. Spreads with lqdfx and lmfx are 0.2 pips and commission is $7/rt and $8/rt respectively.
  7. W

    How you can avoid losing money in forex trading?

    Here’s what I have done to avoid losses - 1) Sticking to my trading plan 2) Saying goodbye to get-rich-quick mentality 3) Avoiding overleveraged trades 4) Backtesting my trading system 5) Building a strong risk management strategy.
  8. W

    How To Control Greed While Trading? You Should Know.

    To control greed, remove the mentality of making money quickly. Have a set of trading rules and stick to them no matter what. In addition to that, avoid overleveraging. Don’t let your losses dishearten you. Learn from them and have patience.
  9. W

    Why Do Most People Fail At Retail Trading?

    Most of the time, they lack trading experience and in-depth market knowledge. Another factor contributing to their losses is poor execution. You must have good trading skills and knowledge of the subject to be a successful trader.
  10. W

    The Importance Of Risk Management In Forex Trading.

    You cannot underestimate the importance of a good risk management system in forex trading. It is a necessary component of successful forex trading. Every trader should learn about it and apply it to their trading.
  11. W

    Is This The Right Time For Crypto Trading

    First of all, there is no such thing as the right time. There is just time and you get to decide what you want to do with it. And if you have any doubts regarding crypto, research a bit and you will know how the market is flourishing and people are stepping in the market in large numbers. So...
  12. W

    Best CFD Brokers In The US

    A few good options I know include - turnkey forex, lqdfx and lmfx, can check their demo before going live.
  13. W

    Can Forex Trading be a Full-Time Job?

    This is certainly a big decision to make. But it totally depends on the trader. But before you decide to be a full-time trader, it is important to consider all the perimeters. If you are confident that you will be able to make your living out of forex then you can go for it. Everything depends...
  14. W

    Why is crypto called the safest currency?

    Quite the opposite, it is one of the most volatile currencies. It’s still a new market that is developing. But it is worth investing, if you do with proper research and planning.
  15. W

    The Importance of stop loss in forex trading.

    Trading market can move drastically. You could encounter losses or blow your account if you don’t have good risk management. A stop loss is a part of risk management. It helps trades in saving your capital from such swings by automatically closing your trades on time.
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