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Useful Assistants, Utilities and Expert Advisors


Hey, everybody.
I am a trading utilities developer and Adviser expert.
I am glad to present you my free developments for Metatrader.

Best for FREE
Professional trading account report

Best for FREE
Forex simulator for Strategy Tester

Best for FREE
Assistant (SL/TP/Trailing and Virtual/REAL) for your positions

Close Minus by Plus
Close Minus by Plus

Utility for mutual closing

Partial Close and Trail
TralPartionClose Partial Close and Trail

Partial close on pullbacks

INFOPad  Information Panel Symbol and position information

Information Panel Symbol and position information

EAPadPRO Dashboard for our experts

Dashboard for expert advisors

Swing Swing or Pendulum with martingale

Swing or Pendulum with martingale


Last edited:
Version 24.404 2024.04.04
Global Update EAPADPRO v55

-Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.


-Added: The status of the Expert Advisor operation if it was launched on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes".
When Expert Advisor is running on the server from MetaQuotes, a message will be created on the home computer that Expert Advisors are running on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes". The smiley face is blue.
Attention: If an Expert Advisor is launched on both the server and the home computer, it can trade in parallel on 2 terminals (server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes" + home computer); there may be conflicts.
Attention: If the Expert Advisor is launched on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", do not Turn it on work on the home computer to avoid conflicts.
Frequency of polling the status of work on the server = 1 day.
After deinitialization of the Expert Advisor on the server - It will get the status - stopped.
To test the work on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", pending orders are created!


-Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.


-Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
---Opening a new trade;
---Closing a deal;
---Modification of a trade;
---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.


-Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
How To set Telegram bot:
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";
==input ENUM_UPDATE_MODE TG_UpdateMode=UPDATE_SLOW --> Update Mode. Timer speed, to receive commands from Telegram bot. The faster the timer runs, the more computer resources will be used! Please do not change it unnecessarily. 2sec,3sec,10sec
==TG_PRIORITY=TG_HOME_VPS --> Priority of work. This is the priority mode when the Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server and your home computer.
TG_HOME_ONLY=1, // Only the HOME bot. The Telegram bot works only on the home computer.
TG_VPS_ONLY=2, // Only the VPS bot. The Telegram bot works only on the MetaQuotes VPS server.
TG_VPS_HOME=3, // First VPS bot, second HOME bot. The Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server if you upload it to the server. If not, it will work on your home terminal. Check the work on the VPS server every 10 minutes.
TG_HOME_VPS=4, // First HOME bot, second VPS bot. The Telegram bot works on a home computer, but if the home computer/terminal is turned off, it will work on the VPS server from MetaQuotes. Check the VPS server's work every 10 minutes.
Attention! Screenshots are not available on the VPS server from MetaQuotes!
==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
==TG_UserNameFilter="" --> Whitelist Usernames. List of users, starting with @, who can use the bot.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
==TG_UseBotTimer=false;//TG_UseBotTimer --> Working with the bot from the phone
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.


-Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically based on the speed of quotes' arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
-Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
With Visualization:
Version 48: 390sec (TickSniper 2024-2024)
Version 55: 244sec >>159% (TickSniper 2024-2024)
w/o Visualization:
Version 48: 363sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 220sec >>165% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
with Visualization:
Version 48: 15750sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 6220sec >>253% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
-Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
-Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
-Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
-Improvement: When visual testing is completed, objects are not removed from the graph.
-Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
-Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
-Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
-Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
-Fixed: Drawing errors to Print when the Expert Advisor runs on "VPS MQL MetaQuotes"





Last edited:

--Enhanced Graphical Interface Translation

We have completely revamped and updated the translations across all elements of the graphical interface. This ensures a more accurate and natural localization, allowing the interface to better reflect the linguistic and cultural nuances of our diverse user base. As a result, interacting with the application is now even more seamless and intuitive, providing a more personalized and comfortable user experience.

--Introduced Informative Tooltips for Panel Elements

To elevate user convenience, we've added descriptive tooltips to various panel components. When you hover over buttons and icons, informative explanations about each element's functionality will appear instantly. This enhancement significantly simplifies navigation and interaction within the application, making it easier for both new and experienced users to utilize all features effectively.

--Resolved Minor Bugs and Boosted Stability

In this update, we've addressed and fixed several minor bugs that were affecting the application's performance. These corrections enhance the overall stability and reliability of the program, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience. By eliminating these small issues, we've laid the groundwork for a more robust and efficient application.
-- Compiled for the latest versions of MetaTrader terminals.
-- Minor bug fixes to enhance performance.

-- Major overhaul of language translations.
-- New languages added: Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.

-- HTML reports can now be generated in multiple languages, with all words and phrases translated into the 12 main interface languages.
-- Significant improvements to HTML reports:
-- -- Enhanced user interface for better usability.
-- -- Added histograms to "Overview" tables, displaying key metrics categorized by comments, magic numbers, and symbols.
-- -- The history table is now paginated for improved readability and reduced system resource usage.
-- -- Columns in the history table can now be sorted by selected parameters.
-- -- A search feature has been added to the history table, allowing users to find specific tickets in the report.
-- -- The balance graph is now interactive, displaying additional information when hovering over points, showing balance details for the selected time.

ExtraReportPad MT4: Download the 'Ind4 Extra Report Pad' Trading Utility for MetaTrader 4 in MetaTrader Market
ExtraReportPad MT5: Download the 'Ind5 Extra Report Pad' Trading Utility for MetaTrader 5 in MetaTrader Market
-- When loading the indicator onto the chart, trading levels and trading history are now disabled to prevent overlapping objects.

-- Added Stop Loss and Take Profit values in the deposit currency to the Stop Loss and Take Profit fields (Show_SLCurrency and Show_TPCurrency in the settings).

-- Introduced a parameter for filtering history by a custom date:

DatesOfHistory = "Custom date yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd"; // Custom Dates of history Start-End: yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd
Set in the format: StartYear.StartMonth.StartDay-EndYear.EndMonth.EndDay.

You can forcibly specify the history period that the indicator will use.
For example: 2024.09.15-2024.09.21
ALL advisors and indicators updated. Thanks, please update to the latest version.
Version 25.111 2025.01.12

We are excited to introduce new languages to our functionality. Users can now enjoy an even wider range of language options for their convenience and comfort. Here’s the list of newly added languages:
THAI=12 — Thai
INDI=13 — Hindi
MALAY=14 — Malay
INDONEZIA=15 — Indonesian
ARAB=16 — Arabic
VETNAM=17 — Vietnamese
BALKAN=20 — Balkan
POLAND=21 — Polish
CHEZH=22 — Czech
Update your application and enjoy working in your native language! 🌐

Version 24.926 2024.09.26
-- Modified data markup in the Filters block.
Version 24.924 2024.09.22

— When loading the indicator onto the chart, trading levels and trading history are now disabled to prevent overlapping objects.

— Added Stop Loss and Take Profit values in the deposit currency to the Stop Loss and Take Profit fields (Show_SLCurrency and Show_TPCurrency in the settings).

— Introduced a parameter for filtering history by a custom date:

DatesOfHistory = “Custom date yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd”; // Custom Dates of history Start-End: yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd
Set in the format: StartYear.StartMonth.StartDay-EndYear.EndMonth.EndDay.

You can forcibly specify the history period that the indicator will use.
For example: 2024.09.15-2024.09.21

Version 24.921 2024.09.21

— Compiled for the latest versions of MetaTrader terminals.
— Minor bug fixes to enhance performance.

— Major overhaul of language translations.
New languages added: Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.

— HTML reports can now be generated in multiple languages, with all words and phrases translated into the 12 main interface languages.
— Significant improvements to HTML reports:
— — Enhanced user interface for better usability.
— — Added histograms to “Overview” tables, displaying key metrics categorized by comments, magic numbers, and symbols.
— — The history table is now paginated for improved readability and reduced system resource usage.
— — Columns in the history table can now be sorted by selected parameters.
— — A search feature has been added to the history table, allowing users to find specific tickets in the report.
— — The balance graph is now interactive, displaying additional information when hovering over points, showing balance details for the selected time.
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